Thursday, December 13, 2007

Another one in the books

Well last weekend was a blizzard of events. I also ended up driving through a blizzard on my way and coming home from Denver. This was on my way to Denver going over Wolf Creek Pass.

Well I ended up making it there just fine despite the snow that did not stop until Saturday evening. I ended up driving up on Friday since I worked all night Thursday and in turn had Friday off.

Saturday evening as the snow was still falling, the news warned people that if they "did not have to drive that they shouldn't." Well that scared me a little bit but I called the Fillmore and they said that show was still on. So I made the decision to give it a shot. I told my uncle that I would see how the roads were and if they were too bad, that I would turn around and accept defeat. Well the hardest part of my journey was finding the Fillmore since I am not that familiar with Denver and I didn't have a co pilot as everyone was scared to go because of the weather. Well I arrived safely and ended up parking in a Office Depot parking lot about a block and a half away. I managed to make it inside just as the snow had quit falling and upon me selling the extra 3 tickets for $50.

All I have to really say about the concert, was that it was probably the best and most funnest one I have EVER been to! FLOGGING MOLLY, is hard to beat for sure!! Thanks a million to Cody for turning me onto them!

I was up front for most of the concert. There was a lot of pushing and such but I would do it all over this weekend if I had the chance. This was a must see concert and I can't wait to experience it again!

Another nice surprise to the weeknd was that my cousin was also in Denver from Kansas. He and his wife and their friend came out to go skiing and to experience the massacre that took place on Sunday! I was fortunate that there was another ticket available. I met up with them after the concert. It was pretty funny since they were only a few blocks away at a bar. So we had a few drinks and readied ourselves for Sunday.

I was supposed to go home on Sunday but this is what I got to watch. So I was delayed until Monday.

Lastly, here I am with one of the cheerleaders after the game.
I came across these Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep on the side of the road as I drove home on Monday.
If you are wondering what they are doing, they are licking the salt that was put down on the highway.
I had a wonderful birthday weekend in my favorite state and I wish for many more to come.
Just as they say though, it's not a trip if something doesn't go wrong. Unfortunately, something did go wrong but it could have been worse!! I ended up hitting a curb and with it being so cold, I ended up breaking off part of my wheel. Crazy thing was that I drove on the interstate at 75 mph for nearly 45 minutes. I didn't notice it until the next morning. YIKES!! Thanks for stopping in once again and becareful out there!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you had fun!
I liked the pictures.

Schmalz said...

now that was one hellofa weekend!!!