Thursday, September 14, 2006

Crazy for Chicken

As I was slicing up some chicken for dinner, I came across a piece that I did not want to be included. So I threw it back into the bowl that I had defrosted it in. Upon finishing I was left with the deforsted chicken water, the chicken piece and some fat. As I wondered of how to dispose of it, I remembered the little red terrors in the back yard.

As I dropped it right outside of their hole, It was as if they sounded an alarm. In no time at all the two pieces were overcome. I am sure that they enjoyed what I wanted no part of. I did not make it back out there to see the progress, mainly because by the time I had finished my meal the rain was falling well. Hope they got most it down the hole before it or they got washed away. It's not the best photo but I think you get the idea.

I know this is lame but I am working on it.

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