Monday, August 28, 2006

Just as I anticipated

It sure was a battle that was not easily overcome as I attempted to get out of bed this morning. Last time I remember looking at the clock last night it was ten 'til 2 and I was thoroughly aggravated at my inability to visit dreamland. After I finally drug myself out of bed and got my rear in gear, I arrived at work but not until I picked up a breakfast burrito from Dona Maria's.

Finally arriving at work and as I readied myself for my daily fix of caffeine, I suffered another blow as there was no sugar for the joe. So I headed for the corner store to fix that problem. I returned to work and finally got my day moving.

As lunch neared I grew with excitement just to get out of the office. I came home and enjoyed the peacefulness I find here. Then it hit me that I should go for a lunch time run. So I quickly changed my clothes and grabbed some food for later. Yet there was a brief moment of stupidity on my part as I threw on some running shoes that had not accompanied my feets in quite some time. As I set off I was feeling decent and enjoying the moderate temps and then I started to get a burning on the inside of my right foot. So as I kept going, so did the burning and I ended up with a blister. What joy. It will be alright soon enough though and I do not see it being a problem as I attempt to go ride but that is me talking beforehand. I think I will hold off riding today not because of the blister but the lack of slumber. Hopefully I fair better this evening.

1 comment:

popfabi said...

hey, you!
funny enough, today is my bday! yeah! 34 years old and totally happy! yes, let´s chat, man.
í´d love to hear more about your running, cycling, activities. me, i am just a little drunk and lazy. will wake up super early to edit a documentary and then off to my "real" work. cheers,