Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ideas, recommendations, suggestions or requests?

Do any of you have any of the above for the Monday music? I usually can come up with something pretty easily but would like to see if you have something to share that I may be unaware of...or would just like to hear.

Also, How was your weekend? You guys sure have been quiet or is my writing boring? Regardless, I would love to hear from you. Like how Vanessa did in her 'cross race. Is Shawn back home yet? Anything from the Chief would be great, have not talked to her or heard from her in a long time. How was Leah's birds on the brain? How is that guy in PDX doing? Not to mention Autumn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I managed to stay upright in the Cross! Don't know how I finished in the end due to the normal Napoli/Campania mayhem. Was the only one in my division, I think! Suppose to be a bigger better one this Sunday! Maybe my cross bike will be here too so I can ride that!