Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Well I went and had more sking this past weekend up at Purg. MLA received more presents with her birthday yesterday and a day off. SPO seems to have received some more good news about his short term future although I have not received confirmation on that yet. Em is soon to be having more of N.M. I am continuing to find more happiness and content with my job and my personal life. I hope that all of you are finding more happiness and pleasant things in your life as well.

Here is a picture that I snapped while riding the lift on saturday. Notice how the wind was blowing up the snow on the mountain peak.

Also another as I ride the lift into the sun

I also have to give a shout out to Vanessa "the Perna chick". I am doing some research on the Siren Islands she asked about. To answer her question also, I had no idea they existed while I was in Italia!

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