Monday, February 11, 2008

Life is good

Well I just finished reading a fabulous book! Alot of you probably have heard of it and think that it is just about his story of him being trapped. That is where you are wrong. He elaborates on his life as well and life's lessons.

One part that really touched me is of the friends he has lost due to the choices he has made. It made me really think of my life and some of the choices I have made. I don't want to go into detail about the book but I strongly recommend it. It is defintely worthwhile and think that anyone can get something out of it no matter what your lifestyle is.

Remember that life is always going to have bumps in the road no matter how good you have it. What really matters is how we handle those bumps and whether or not we learn from them. I have to apologize for the way I have treated some of you, I hope you know who I am talking about. (That includes the former Ms. Bennett) Speaking of her I am really happy for the the outlook that she have been sharing.

Don't forget to stop and enjoy the simple things and the special one's in your lives!


Anonymous said...

Hey Amos,
I have seen the Siren Islands, haven't you seen them during the Circuito del Sole when you rode with Team Perna? Just checking in fron behind the trash piles of Napoli.
Cheers from Vanessa at Team Perna.

Anonymous said...

It is the quality of friends you should worry about in life, not the quantity. That is a lesson that everyone must learn at some time.