Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Don't come 'round here no more.

Yesterday as I was getting the dogs food, I came across a very unwanted character inside of the garage. A mouse ran past my feet and started to head outside. Just as it was running out the open door, it quickly stopped and made a 180 degree turn and headed back inside. As I made an attempt to kick it back outside I failed but managed not to empty the bowls of food.

I know that the weather is becoming cold with winter on it's way but I have no want or need for a mouse to make it's home inside of mine. So I went out and got some mouse traps and some straws so I could apply my precious peanut butter to the traps without contaminating it. I set 3 traps and called it a night.

As I was on my way out the door this morning, I took a quick peek at the 3 locations. The first 2 were just as I left them. The 3rd however contained the unwanted furry creature. I did not have time to mess with it before work. So I let it sit for the day for an important reason. I do not know if there are any more around but incase there are, hopefully they saw their peer and how it met it's doom. Hopefully they get the hint and look elsewhere. I will keep the traps set for a few more days and hopefully I don't have to do what I did today as I disposed of the creature into the dumpster.

I know this may not be appropriate for youthful or mice phobic folks, but at least I released it from the trap before sharing with you. Also, don't worry about me because I did wear gloves upon handling the varmint. Also for those who know me, I still have more than enough peanut butter for my own consumption!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats cool!
Get a cat... Peanut brings home a mouse almost once a week now...

And a mole once and a while