Sunday, September 10, 2006


What is your definition of one? As we are now at 5 years since our country was attacked, I have to ask this question. If you can name a few people whom you consider "heroes", how did you come to your decision?

Was/Is Pat Tillman a hero and why? Is he any greater because he gave up his millions and a career to go off and fight? What about those soldiers who never had riches and the luxurious life to give up. What about the soldiers who joined the military before we had been attacked and did it for love of country.

We often see war protests and parents of soldiers begging to bring their sons and daughters home from the middle east. The funny thing about that is that since the war has started, you would be extremely hard pressed to find someone who "signed up" on their current contract before we were attacked or went to war. Those soldiers are reenlisting and extended their carrers in the military. There has been no draft.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, just like it is my decision to agree or disagree with you. I simply have only stated fact in this post. My business is mine and your's is your's. I ask that no matter what your view on the war is, please don't forget that day and those who perished.

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