Thursday, August 24, 2006

It's raining, it's pouring.....

Speaking of rain, I was fortunate enough this evening to miss it on my ride. I started out and there were clouds all around. I figured I would just push it hard so that I would not have to ride too long in it. I was about 2/3 through the loop when I felt a few drops. I wasn't to worried because I was nearing an area where I would be able to hammer it. Fortunately the rain never came, at least not down on me. When I did get back to the truck though I could definitely tell that it had rained there. So I left with a smile of having a good ride and avoiding the rain.

On the other hand, Just as they say, "When it rains, it Pours". If you care to learn more go here to learn of his demise.

I also have to bring this up. It is really crappy that they would let things end the way that they did. I am just at a loss of words on that one. I guess sometimes you just can't have it all.

I am looking forward to the Vuelta.

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