Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Alpe d'Huez

I remember being on top of that great mountain at the 2003 Tour. Let me tell you it was quite the party. Cody, Jake, Amy and myself had arrived the evening before as we had driven up from our home in Naples, Italy. Lucky for us, Chris and Juan were already there and had saved us a place to park and camp out. As we were passing through Briancon, Chris and Juan called and told us to pick up some paint for the road. Luckily we were passing a hardware store and quickly pulled in. After wandering the store we found what we needed since we were unable to ask for help because our lack of skills with the French language.

We arrived okay and started to get settled. Chris was cooking dinner and it sure was welcome. After eating and painting up the road with as much as possible, the night fell upon us and everything was still bustling. Juan and I decided to start walikng up to the summit and check things out. Juan grabbed his whiskey in a water bottle and we were off.

We came across a few other Americans and several others english speaking folk. At the summit we met these Irish guys and started talking to them. Everything was going well until one of them started talking and then we were lost. He spoke english but with his accent and speed we could not make a word out.

As we arrived back at camp, there were still a million cars driving up the mountain and music blaring everywhere. We finally managed to get to sleep although we were anxiously awaiting the coming day.

The next day I jumped on Chris' bike and headed down the mountain, so I could turn around and climb the whole thing. Everything would have been fine, but of all the water bottles around I happened to grab the one Juan had been drinking whiskey from. Even though I rinsed it out, it had done no good. So as I was climbing it felt like I was trying to quench my thirst with whiskey!!

After anxiously awaiting the riders to come through, the caravan started to come through and shower us with all the free trinkets like at a parade. It was the 100th year of Le Tour and so the caravan how gone all out on the decorations.

Shortly after there were helicopters overhead and we knew the riders were not far off. Then that's when Iban Mayo came by all alone. Then followed Lance, Jan Ullrich, Tyler Hamilton, Joseba Beloki and Roberto Heras. As they approached, Jake took off down the middle of the road with no shirt and waving a huge American flag. It was quite the lead out as Juan and I ran along side of Lance and Roberto. It truely was a great day for us and as Lance gained the yellow jersey. Even with Iban Mayo taking the stage with the breakaway.

It was a memorable day and I will never forget it. Thanks to all those that made it happen.

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