Monday, September 01, 2008

Will it ever end?

Hit by car while riding bicycle.

It doesn't matter that she is a first lady. It seems that the above all else it has nearly become a daily headline somewhere here in the country. There is a lot of finger pointing on both sides.

I am just wondering if people are becoming to careless and/or complacent?

Regardless it is highly disturbing....

This reminds me of a story. The summer of '03, Cody, Amy, Jake and myself were on our European vacation. We were in Munich, Germany and had rented bicycles and were taking a spin around the city. We were confronted by 2 bicycle cops and they made us stop where we were and cross the road, so that we would be complying with the local bike riding laws. It was pretty interesting that they had cops out there enforcing those kind of things. I guess it just shows, the big difference Germany had over our current home of Italy. Not to say Italy was the worst. Considering we used to ride on highways with no bike lanes and cars always seemed to make room for us. Or those Sunday morning rides where the road was overtaken by 300+ cyclists that forced cars off the roads and made them fall in line behind them. There were no police escorts either. Riding on the roads here in the U.S. sure is a different experience from Europe, where bicycles are a way of life.

The states can't compare when you see things like this in Europe.

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