Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Well the job is going well. The hours are longer but the pay is much better as well. How have you been?

Mary Louise, this includes you as well. I have not heard from you in quite sometime. Email me and let me know what's new and how the vacation went.

I do not know how he met his fate but I found this guy on my porch. Kinda sad.

I also got stung my a wasp or hornet. Whatever it was, it got me twice and boy did it end it's life with a bang! it got me on my forearm and my chest!!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Pink Stuff

Well with the new job, I am going through some basic classes this week for the engines I will be working on. At the start of class today, I went and grabbed a cup of coffee. I didn't realize until after my coffee was poured, that there was no sugar but rather just some of that artificial sweetner that comes in the pink packet. Well, I totally disagree with any artificial sweetner, no matter what the color of the package is. I should have taken my own advice.

Upon seeing there was no regular sugar, I said to myself that I can give the pink stuff a try this once. So I put in the same amount of the pink stuff as what I do with plain sugar. That first sip that touched my lips, was sweet enough to keep me awake all day. Maybe that's why I am still awake now...haha. Not only was the pink stuff much sweeter than regular sugar, I really didn't care for the different taste it applied as well. Live and learn I guess. May I reiterate that you will never see me make that mistake again. I will drink my coffee unsweetened or not at all if I run into this predicament again.

Oh yeah, I need to drink more water also...I am finding myself winding down for bed and than slamming 3 or 4 glasses just before turning out the lights.

Here is a picture of a compressor engine that I will be working on. Mine are not that color but I think you get the picture that these are some big engines.