Thursday, February 08, 2007

What a waste

I am continuing to fall into a slump and do not have any motivation to do anything about it. I am constantly thinking of things on how to better spend my time. However thoughts is all they are. I need to pull myself out of this pitiful daily routine I have going on.

I miss my friends from the military and all the fun we used to have. I am constantly looking at and missing things of the past. It has become a serious sorry excuse for not getting a grip on things and moving forward. I am 27 years old, single and have no real responsibility in this world. So why am I constantly sitting on my butt and letting day after day slip away like it's nothing?

If anybody out there still stops by here, I would appreciate any words no matter what nature they are of.


TimeTrialGuy said...

Here's what you do... recreate a night that we used to have in Italy. Do some bike maintainence, go rally it around town, get in the truck and drive crazy to get some pizza, go home and eat it while watching week-old reruns with pro-military commericals and public service announcements. Or at least watch a good movie. Then call one of us... Matt is back in town.

Anonymous said...

I still have my TIMEX clock too, but its been jacked since italy...If you want something to look forward to i'll send you a saddle sore in the mail. I heard that Alb., N.M. is healthiest city in USA...gimme a call one of these nights. My computer is off to service so no MSN chat. If you want Italia think of the burning piles of trash...wait even those seem cool now;-)

Snaz said...

Don't let it waste away! I have only a couple friends, you have many. That's not a waste. "There's No Place Like Home"??? HaHaHa Ya Right! Blow that popsicle stand and go LIVE again. You're not happy there.