Sunday, December 03, 2006

Luminaria Show

Last night San Juan College hosted their annual Luminaria display. The college is right up the road from the house, so the J and I took a walk up there. The road leading to the college was lined with luminaria's but they unfortunately were not lit.

Upon arrival to the college, we were welcomed with the inviting views that brightened the campus. Here they are, just so you have an idea.

Yesterday was also filled with a trip to Durango. The J and I walked downtown as always. It was a nice day with blue skies and traces of snow from this past week's storms that passed through. The J also got me my Bday present 2 days early. I had been looking at them and was anticipating for Santa to bring them but having them early is nice. They have been very comfy walking around in them today.
Not sure if I will be here tomorrow, I might be too busy turning one year older...

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