Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I found myself... the hospital again this evening. I wish that it would have been for the same reason that prompted my visit last night but it wasn't.

Today my grandfather who is 87, took a tumble at his nursing home and broke his hip and leg in a few places. His body is slowly failing him but his mind is sharp as can be. He is scheduled for surgery at 8:30 tomorrow morning. They are going to put some pins and screws in his bones and then just go on from there. I really hate to see this. Last Thursday I was fortunate enough to be at the same table sharing a Thanksgiving dinner with him. Up until today he could walk, even though it may have been wobbly and required the assistance of a cane.

I hate to look towards his future and how it will be considering the circumstances. I just have to hope for the best and be thankful that I have had the opportunity to know him. I was not so fortunate with his wife. My grandmother passed away 2 days after my 5th birthday. I have vague memories of her but they are cherished ones.

I pray that his spirit not be lost with this injury. I also am very worried at how this is affecting my father. He is showing strength but I know inside he is very emotionally affected with these events. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope all went well!