The town was a just a small farming community and had very little to offer in just about everything immagineable. And I thought Farmington was bad! I did meet some cool people however and hope to see them again someday.
I also had the experience of crossing paths with a large rattle snake. Myself and the two others I was with however did not feel comfortable with just leaving it be, since the location will be visited regurlarly. So we did what anyone in their right mind would've done. We seperated mind from body. Afterwards we measured it and with no head it came to just over 3 feet long. It had good girth to it and had 8 buttons on it's tail. The guy that lives up there, saved it, took it home and skinned it. I have a few pics of it over on my Flickr photo page for those who want to see or just look at various pictures.
Anyways, I am home and happy that I can't see for miles on end in any direction.